Outdoor Lighting in Tampa Florida - Premier Outdoor Lighting Premier Outdoor Lighting - Outdoor Lighting in Tampa Florida


A four-story office building illuminated by landscape lighting at night, with an American flag and palm trees in front

With the advent of the new energy efficient LED technology, it may pay big dividends to find out how much money your present lighting system is actually costing per year in terms of energy usage, lamp replacement and maintenance, and compare it against investing in a new LED system or a retrofit upgrade of your existing lighting. Even though LED is available in both high and low voltage, the light output is such that in many instances, LV LED and HV Induction can replace existing high voltage lighting with even better effects at a fraction of the energy output with infinitely longer lamp life. This can be applicable for both residential and commercial properties, outside as well as inside. Premier has commercial clients who have a significant amount of high wattage HID and fluorescent fixtures from parking lot lighting to parking garages that can cost hundreds and thousands of dollars per year to operate.

Interiors of residences and commercial buildings alike contain high wattage incandescent, halogen and fluorescent bulbs that keep the electric meter spinning as well as add a heat factor that can be uncomfortable, adding to the AC bill. Recessed halogen and HID ceiling lights can get very hot to the touch which can possibly lead to safety issues in some instances. Premier Outdoor Lighting can help you make an informed decision by providing you an Energy Usage Analysis. Here's what we can do:

• Take an inventory of your present light fixtures and bulbs (interior and exterior) and itemize various bulb types and wattages and rated life

• Calculate your yearly energy usage costs based on hours burned and local utility rates.

• Calculate yearly energy costs of new retrofit/upgraded LED and Induction bulbs/fixtures and determine net $$ savings and ROI compared to present system.

• Update your present outdoor lighting with redesign and new technology, giving your property a fresh look at a fraction of the yearly cost of operation.


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   Premier Outdoor Lighting  • Tampa, FL  • (813) 672 - 4911  • Florida License # EC13003352